Origin : Japan
Made of : lacquer
Classification : things / shapes
Maker : ?
About "bamboo" (take - 竹) :
Bamboo is a quick growing evergreen grass that has been used in Japan for construction and various arts and crafts for many centuries.
Even the strongest tree can brake against strong winds. The bamboo bends, it flexes, nearly touches the ground, but never breaks. Bamboos symbolize the idea that a man must keep his integrity whatever happens to him.
In case of earthquake, bamboo forests are considered as a safe place to find shelter. The interlaced bamboo roots hold the ground and there is no risk of being crashed by a tree.
About "lacquer" (shikki - 漆器) :
Lacquer has been used in Japan since the Jomon period, 7'000 years ago. The lacquer varnish comes from trees and is applied, layer by layer, on wood. The result can be mat to very shiny with even a 3D effect often obtained by applying gold powder. In the Edo period (1603–1868), Japanese developed special techniques to produce lacquerware of the finest quality.