Asahineko (あさひねこ)

つけち木工の会 〒508-0351岐阜県中津川市付知町10832-1 中津川北商工会内


The company Asahineko is specialized in designing objects using woods from the region of 'Tsukechi' in the Gifu prefecture. This region is famous for providing the wood of the Ise Grand Shrine (伊勢神宮, Ise Jingū).

The name 'asahineko' is formed with the 1st syllables of the five most famous types of woods found in this region (Asunaro - Sawara - Hinoki - Nezuko - Koyamaki).

The designers and makers of Asahineko can be found here : asahineko people/


A selection of this maker's hashiokis :

hashioki of maker